POLITYKA PRYWATNOŚCI SERWISU www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl
– niepodanie w przypadkach i w zakresie wskazanym na stronie serwisu oraz w Regulaminie Szkoleń www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl i niniejszej polityce prywatności danych osobowych niezbędnych do zawarcia i wykonania Umowy lub umowy o świadczenie Usługi Elektronicznej z Administratorem skutkuje brakiem możliwości zawarcia tejże umowy.
Podanie danych osobowych jest w takim wypadku wymogiem umownym i jeżeli osoba, które dane dotyczą chce zawrzeć daną umowę z Administratorem, to jest zobowiązana do podania wymaganych danych. Każdorazowo zakres danych wymaganych do zawarcia umowy wskazany jest uprzednio na stronie serwisu www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl oraz w Regulaminie serwisu www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl;
– gdy podanie danych osobowych jest wymogiem ustawowym wynikającym z powszechnie obowiązujących przepisów prawa nakładających na Administratora obowiązek przetwarzania danych osobowych (np. przetwarzanie danych w celu prowadzenia ksiąg podatkowych lub rachunkowych) i brak ich podania uniemożliwi Administratorowi wykonanie tychże obowiązków.
– przetwarzane zgodnie z prawem;
– zbierane dla oznaczonych, zgodnych z prawem celów i niepoddawane dalszemu przetwarzaniu niezgodnemu z tymi celami;
– merytorycznie poprawne i adekwatne w stosunku do celów, w jakich są przetwarzane;
– przechowywane w postaci umożliwiającej identyfikację osób, których dotyczą, nie dłużej niż jest to niezbędne do osiągnięcia celu przetwarzania;
– przetwarzane w sposób zapewniający odpowiednie bezpieczeństwo danych osobowych,
w tym ochronę przed niedozwolonym lub niezgodnym z prawem przetwarzaniem oraz przypadkową utratą, zniszczeniem lub uszkodzeniem, za pomocą odpowiednich środków technicznych lub organizacyjnych.
Administrator wdraża odpowiednie środki techniczne i organizacyjne, aby przetwarzanie odbywało się zgodnie z niniejszym rozporządzeniem i aby móc to wykazać. Środki te są w razie potrzeby poddawane przeglądom i uaktualniane. Administrator stosuje środki techniczne zapobiegające pozyskiwaniu i modyfikowaniu przez osoby nieuprawnione, danych osobowych przesyłanych drogą elektroniczną.
– imię nazwisko Zamawiającego lub Uczestnika
– numer telefonu Zamawiającego lub Uczestnika
– adres poczty elektronicznej Zamawiającego lub Uczestnika
– adres korespondencyjny Zamawiającego lub Uczestnika
– firma osoby fizycznej, adres, NIP Zamawiającego
Na podstawie Artykuł 6 ust. 1 lit. a) Rozporządzenia RODO – w przypadku udzielenia zgody przez osobę której dane dotyczą lub zawarcia i wykonania umowy — na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. b RODO (niezbędność do zawarcia i wykonania umowy) w następującym zakresie: imię, nazwisko, adres e-mail, opis zapytania.
marketingu bezpośredniego usług szkoleniowych — na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit.
f RODO (prawnie uzasadniony interes administratora); prawnie uzasadnionym interesem Administratora jest informowanie potencjalnych klientów o aktualnej ofercie i działalności gospodarczej.
– podmiotom obsługującym płatności elektroniczne lub kartą płatniczą – w przypadku Klienta, który korzysta z serwisu www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl ze sposobu płatności elektronicznych lub kartą płatniczą Administrator udostępnia zebrane dane osobowe Klienta wybranemu podmiotowi obsługującemu powyższe płatności w serwisu www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl na zlecenie Administratora w zakresie niezbędnym do obsługi płatności realizowanej przez Klienta.
– dostawcy usług zaopatrujący Administratora w rozwiązania techniczne, informatyczne oraz organizacyjne, umożliwiające Administratorowi prowadzenie działalności gospodarczej, w tym serwisu www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl i świadczonych za jego pośrednictwem Usług Elektronicznych (w szczególności dostawcy oprogramowania komputerowego do prowadzenia serwisu www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl, dostawcy poczty elektronicznej i hostingu oraz dostawcy oprogramowania do zarządzania firmą i udzielania pomocy technicznej Administratorowi) – Administrator udostępnia zebrane dane osobowe Klienta wybranemu dostawcy działającemu na jego zlecenie jedynie w przypadku oraz w zakresie niezbędnym do zrealizowania danego celu przetwarzania danych zgodnego z niniejszą polityką prywatności.
– dostawcy usług księgowych, prawnych i doradczych zapewniający Administratorowi wsparcie księgowe, prawne lub doradcze (w szczególności biuro księgowe, kancelaria prawna lub firma windykacyjna) – Administrator udostępnia zebrane dane osobowe Klienta wybranemu dostawcy działającemu na jego zlecenie jedynie w przypadku oraz w zakresie niezbędnym do zrealizowania danego celu przetwarzania danych zgodnego z niniejszą polityką prywatności.
-naszemu Partnerowi firmie AMS AI Sp. z o.o., 81-876 Sopot, ul. Leśna 1.
W zakresie wszelkich danych osobowych przetwarzanych przez Administratora, w tym przesyłanych w celu zawarcia umowy, przesłanych przez formularz kontaktowy, zapis na newslettera czy rejestracji konta, osoba której dane dotyczą ma prawo do:
– dostępu do swoich danych osobowych,
– sprostowania swoich danych osobowych ,
– usunięcia lub ograniczenia przetwarzania swoich danych osobowych,
– wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania swoich danych osobowych,
– przenoszenia swoich danych osobowych – na warunkach określonych w RODO;
– wniesienia skargi do Prezesa Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych, jeżeli jego dane osobowe byłyby przetwarzane niezgodnie z prawem.
– identyfikacji Usługobiorców jako zalogowanych na stronie www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl i pokazywania, że są zalogowani;
– zapamiętywania danych z wypełnianych Formularzy, ankiet lub danych logowania do serwisu www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl
– dostosowywania zawartości strony www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl do indywidualnych preferencji Usługobiorcy (np. dotyczących kolorów, rozmiaru czcionki, układu strony) oraz optymalizacji korzystania ze strony www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl;
– prowadzenia anonimowych statystyk przedstawiających sposób korzystania ze strony www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl;
– remarketingu, to jest badania cech zachowania odwiedzających www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl poprzez anonimową analizę ich działań (np. powtarzające się wizyty na określonych stronach, słowa kluczowe itp.) w celu stworzenia ich profilu i dostarczenia im reklam dopasowanych do ich przewidywanych zainteresowań, także wtedy kiedy odwiedzają oni inne strony internetowe w sieci reklamowej firmy Google Inc. oraz Facebook Ireland Ltd.;
Prawo konsumentów odstąpienia od umowy
Mają Państwo prawo odstąpić od niniejszej umowy w terminie 14 dni bez podania jakiejkolwiek przyczyny.
Termin do odstąpienia od umowy wygasa po upływie 14 dni od dnia zawarcia umowy.
Aby skorzystać z prawa odstąpienia od umowy, muszą Państwo poinformować Finnergy sp. z o.o. NIP 5492468087 adresy
elektroniczne szkolenia@szkoleniaoze.com.pl.
Mogą Państwo skorzystać z wzoru formularza odstąpienia od umowy, jednak nie jest to obowiązkowe.
Aby zachować termin do odstąpienia od umowy, wystarczy, aby wysłali Państwo informację dotyczącą wykonania przysługującego Państwu prawa odstąpienia od umowy przed upływem terminu do odstąpienia od umowy.
Skutki odstąpienia od umowy
W przypadku odstąpienia od niniejszej umowy zwracamy Państwu wszystkie otrzymane od Państwa płatności, niezwłocznie, a w każdym przypadku nie później niż 14 dni od dnia, w którym zostaliśmy poinformowani o Państwa decyzji o wykonaniu prawa odstąpienia od niniejszej umowy. Zwrotu płatności dokonamy przy użyciu takiego samego sposobu płatności, jaki został przez Państwa użyty w pierwotnej transakcji, chyba że wyraźnie zgodziliście się Państwo na inne rozwiązanie; w każdym przypadku nie poniosą Państwo żadnych opłat w związku z tym zwrotem.
Wzór formularza odstąpienia od umowy
(formularz ten należy wypełnić i odesłać tylko w przypadku chęci odstąpienia
konsumenta od umowy)
Adresat: Finnergy sp. z o.o. ulica Krasickiego 44, 32-600 Oświęcim, NIP 5492468087, adresy elektroniczne: szkolenia@szkoleniaoze.com.pl
Data zawarcia umowy:
Imię i nazwisko konsumenta(-ów): Adres konsumenta(-ów):
Podpis konsumenta(-ów) (tylko jeżeli formularz jest przesyłany w wersji papierowej):
PRIVACY POLICY OF THE SERVICE www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl
The privacy policy of the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl contains rules regarding the processing of personal data by the Administrator of the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl, including the grounds, purposes and scope of personal data processing and the rights of data subjects, as well as information on using cookies and analytical tools on the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl.
The www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl website may contain links to other websites. The administrator urges that after switching to other websites, read the privacy policy established there.
This privacy policy applies only to the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl.
The administrator of personal data collected via the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl is – Finnergy sp. z o.o., z siedzibą w Oświęcimiu, przy ul. Krasickiego 44, NIP: NIP: 549 246 8087, REGON: 522588420, KRS: 0000982294, e-mail addresses szkolenia@szkoleniaoze.com.pl telephone number +48 500 606 244 – hereinafter referred to as ” Administrator „and being at the same time the Service Provider of the www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl
Personal data on the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl are processed by the Administrator in accordance with applicable law, in particular in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals in connection with with the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation) – hereinafter referred to as „GDPR” or „GDPR Regulation”.
Using the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl, including concluding a training service contract, is voluntary. Similarly, the provision of personal data by the user of the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl is voluntary, subject to two exceptions when:
– failure to provide, in the cases and to the extent indicated on the website and in the Training Regulations www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl and in this privacy policy, personal data necessary for the conclusion and performance of the Agreement or contract for the provision of Electronic Services with the Administrator results in the inability to conclude this agreement.
Providing personal data is in this case a contractual requirement and if the data subject wants to conclude a given contract with the Administrator, he is obliged to provide the required data. Each time, the scope of data required to conclude a contract is previously indicated on the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl and in the Regulations of the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl;
– when providing personal data is a statutory requirement resulting from generally applicable legal provisions imposing on the Administrator the obligation to process personal data (e.g. data processing for the purpose of keeping tax or accounting books) and failure to provide them will prevent the Administrator from performing these obligations.
The administrator takes special care to protect the interests of persons to whom the personal data processed by him relates, and in particular is responsible and ensures that the data collected by him are:
– processed in accordance with the law;
– collected for specified, lawful purposes and not subjected to further processing inconsistent with these purposes;
– factually correct and adequate in relation to the purposes for which they are processed;
– stored in a form that permits the identification of persons to whom they relate, no longer than it is necessary to achieve the purpose of processing;
– processed in a manner ensuring adequate security of personal data,
including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and accidental loss, destruction or damage by appropriate technical or organizational measures.
The administrator implements appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure that the processing is carried out in accordance with this regulation and to be able to prove it. These measures are reviewed and updated as necessary. The administrator uses technical measures to prevent the acquisition and modification of personal data sent electronically by unauthorized persons.
In order to conclude and perform a Training Agreement or contract for the provision of Electronic Services or to take action at the request of the data subject, before concluding the above-mentioned contracts (pursuant to Article 6 (1) (b) of the GDPR Regulation, the Administrator processes:
– first name and surname of the Ordering Party or Participant
– telephone number of the Employer or Participant
– e-mail address of the Ordering Party or Participant
– mailing address of the Ordering Party or the Participant
– company of a natural person, address, tax identification number of the Ordering Party
The data is stored for the period necessary to perform, terminate or otherwise terminate the concluded contract. After the implementation, termination or expiry of the Training Agreement, the Administrator processes the above personal data in order to establish, investigate or defend claims that may be raised by the Administrator or that may be raised against the Administrator (pursuant to Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR Regulation).
The data is stored for the duration of the legitimate interest pursued by the Administrator, but no longer than for the period of limitation of claims against the data subject due to the business activity conducted by the Administrator. The limitation period is defined by law, in particular the Civil Code (the basic limitation period for claims related to running a business is three years).
Pursuant to Article 6 para. 1 lit. c) Regulations of the GDPR in connection with joke. 74 sec. 2 of the Accounting Act, i.e. of January 30, 2018 (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 395), in order to keep accounting books, the Administrator processes the company of a natural person, business address, tax identification number of the Ordering Party.
The data is stored for the period required by law requiring the Administrator to store accounting books (5 years from the beginning of the year following the financial year to which the data relates).
Personal data entered in the contact form, subscription to the newsletter will be processed:
Pursuant to Article 6 para. 1 lit. a) GDPR Regulations – if the data subject grants consent or the conclusion and performance of the contract – pursuant to art. 6 sec. 1 lit. b GDPR (necessity to conclude and perform the contract) in the following scope: name, surname, e-mail address, description of the inquiry.
direct marketing of training services – pursuant to art. 6 sec. 1 lit.
f GDPR (legitimate interest of the administrator); the Controller’s legitimate interest is informing potential customers about the current offer and business activity.
Personal data entered in the contact form, subscription to the newsletter may be disclosed to companies providing IT services to the Administrator;
Personal data entered in the subscription to the newsletter, user account registration will be kept for the period until the consent to receive the newsletter is withdrawn or the account is closed;
Personal data entered in the contact form will be stored for a period of 6 months – if the contract is not concluded or until an objection is effectively raised or the purpose of processing is achieved – in relation to personal data processed on the basis of the legitimate interest of the administrator;
Personal data and consent to their processing may be updated at any time by the data subject or consent to their processing may be withdrawn;
For the proper functioning of the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl, including the implementation of Sales Agreements concluded, it is necessary for the Administrator to use the services of external entities (such as, for example, an entity servicing payments). The administrator uses only the services of such processors who provide sufficient guarantees to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures so that the processing meets the requirements of the GDPR Regulation and protects the rights of the data subjects.
The transfer of data by the Administrator does not take place in every case and not to all recipients or categories of recipients indicated in the privacy policy – the Administrator provides data only when it is necessary to achieve a given purpose of personal data processing and only to the extent necessary to achieve it.
Personal data may be transferred by the Administrator to a third country, and the Administrator ensures that in this case it will be done
in relation to the country providing the adequate level of protection – compliant
with the GDPR Regulation, and the data subject has the option of obtaining a copy of his data. The administrator provides the collected personal data only in the case and to the extent necessary to achieve a given purpose of data processing in accordance with this privacy policy.
Personal data of the Service Users and Customers of the www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl website may be transferred to the following recipients or categories of recipients:
– entities servicing electronic payments or with a payment card – in the case of a Customer who uses the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl with the method of electronic payments or with a payment card, the Administrator provides the Customer’s collected personal data to the selected entity servicing the above payments on the www.szkoleniaoze.com website. pl on behalf of the Administrator to the extent necessary to handle payments made by the Customer.
– service providers supplying the Administrator with technical, IT and organizational solutions enabling the Administrator to run a business, including the www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl website and Electronic Services provided through it (in particular computer software providers to run the www.szkoleniaoze.com website) .pl, e-mail and hosting providers and software providers for company management and providing technical assistance to the Administrator) – the Administrator provides the collected personal data of the Customer to a selected supplier acting on his behalf only in the case and to the extent necessary to achieve a given purpose of data processing in accordance with this policy privacy.
– providers of accounting, legal and advisory services providing the Administrator with accounting, legal or advisory support (in particular an accounting office, law firm or debt collection company) – the Administrator provides the collected personal data of the Customer to a selected supplier acting on his behalf only in the case and to the extent necessary to perform for a given purpose of data processing in accordance with this privacy policy.
-Our Business Partner: AMS AI Sp. z o.o., 81-876 Sopot, ul. Leśna 1.
The Administrator may use profiling for direct marketing purposes on the www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl website, but the decisions made on its basis by the Administrator do not concern the conclusion or refusal to conclude an Agreement, or the possibility of using Electronic Services on the www.szkoleniaoze.com website. pl. The effect of using profiling on the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl may be, for example, granting a given person a discount, sending him a rebate code, reminding about training, sending a training proposal that may correspond to the interests or preferences of a given person or offering better conditions compared to the standard offer of the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl. Despite profiling, a given person makes a free decision whether they want to take advantage of the rebate received in this way or better conditions and order the training on the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl.
Profiling on the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl consists in an automatic analysis or forecast of a given person’s behavior on the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl, e.g. browsing the website of a specific training on the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl, or by analyzing the current history of orders made on the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl. The condition for such profiling is the Administrator having personal data of a given person in order to be able to send it, e.g. a rebate code
The data subject has the right not to be subject to a decision which is based solely on automated processing, including profiling, and produces legal effects or significantly affects the person in a similar way.
In terms of all personal data processed by the Administrator, including sent to conclude a contract, sent via the contact form, newsletter subscription or account registration, the data subject has the right to:
– access to your personal data,
– rectify your personal data,
– deletion or limitation of the processing of your personal data,
– object to the processing of your personal data,
– transferring your personal data – under the conditions specified in the GDPR;
– lodging a complaint to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, if his personal data would be processed unlawfully.
Cookies (cookies) are small text information in the form of text files, sent by the server and saved on the side of the person visiting the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl (e.g. on the hard drive of a computer, laptop or on a smartphone’s memory card – depending on which device is used by visitors to the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl). Detailed information on cookies,
as well as the history of their creation can be found, among others here: http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ciasteczko
The administrator may process the data contained in cookies when visitors use the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl for the following purposes:
– identifying the Customers as logged in on the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl and showing that they are logged in;
– remembering data from completed Forms, surveys or login details to the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl
– adjusting the content of the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl to the individual preferences of the Service Recipient (e.g. regarding colors, font size, page layout) and optimizing the use of the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl
– keeping anonymous statistics showing how to use the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl;
– remarketing, i.e. research on the behavior of visitors to www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl through anonymous analysis of their activities (e.g. repeated visits to specific websites, keywords, etc.) in order to create their profile and provide them with advertisements tailored to their expected interests also when they visit other websites on the Google Inc. advertising network. and Facebook Ireland Ltd .;
By default, most web browsers available on the market accept cookies by default. Everyone has the option to define the terms of using cookies using the settings of their own web browser. This means that you can, for example, partially limit (e.g. temporarily) or completely disable the option of saving cookies – in the latter case, however, it may affect some functionalities of the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl on the Internet (for example, it may be impossible to go through Order path through the Order Form due to the failure to remember the Products in the basket during the next steps of placing the Order).
The web browser settings in the field of cookies are important from the point of view of consent to the use of cookies by the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl – in accordance with the law, such consent may also be expressed through the settings of the web browser. In the absence of such consent, the browser settings for cookies should be changed accordingly.
Detailed information on changing the settings for cookies and their self-removal in the most popular web browsers is available in the help section of the web browser.
As part of the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl, the administrator may use Google Analytics and Universal Analytics services provided by Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. These services help the Administrator analyze the traffic on the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl. The collected data is processed as part of the above services in an anonymised manner (these are the so-called operational data that prevent identification of a person) to generate statistics helpful in administering the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl These data are aggregate and anonymous, i.e. they do not contain identifying features (personal data) of persons visiting the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl. from the above services, the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl collects such data as the sources and medium of obtaining visitors to the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl and the manner of their behavior on the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl, information on devices and browsers from who visit the website, IP and domain, geographic data and demographic data (age, gender) and interests.
It is possible for a given person to easily block sharing information with Google Analytics about their activity on the website www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl – for this purpose, you can install a browser add-on provided by Google Inc. available here: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=pl
As part of the www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl website, the administrator may use the Facebook Pixel service provided by Facebook Ireland Limited (4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbor, Dublin 2, Ireland). This service helps the Administrator measure the effectiveness of advertisements and find out what actions are taken by visitors to the www.szkoleniaoze.com.pl website, as well as display relevant advertisements to these people. Detailed information about the operation of Facebook Pixel can be found at the following internet address: https://www.facebook.com/business/help/742478679120153?helpref=page_content =
Managing the operation of Facebook’s Pixel is possible through the ad settings in your account on Facebook.com https: // www.facebook.com/ads/preferences/?entry_product=ad_settings_scree
Consumers’ right to withdraw from the contract
You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason.
The deadline for withdrawal from the contract expires after 14 days from the date of conclusion of the contract.
To exercise your right of withdrawal, you must inform Finnergy sp. z o.o. NIP 5492468087 addresses: szkolenia@szkoleniaoze.com.pl.
You can use the sample withdrawal form, but this is not obligatory.
In order to meet the deadline for withdrawal from the contract, it is sufficient for you to send information regarding the exercise of your right to withdraw from the contract before the deadline for withdrawal from the contract expires.
Consequences of withdrawal from the contract
If you withdraw from this contract, we will refund all payments received from you immediately, and in any case no later than 14 days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to exercise the right to withdraw from this contract. We will refund the payment using the same payment method that you used in the original transaction, unless you have expressly agreed to a different solution; in any case, you will not incur any fees in connection with this refund.
Sample withdrawal form
(this form should be completed and returned only if you wish to withdraw
consumer from the contract)
Addressee: Finnergy sp. z o. o. ulica Krasickiego 44, 32-600 Oświęcim, NIP 5492468087, e-mail addresses: szkolenia@szkoleniaoze.com.pl
Date of conclusion of the contract:
Name and surname of consumer(s): Address of consumer(s):
Signature of the consumer(s) (only if the form is sent on paper):